Expand the bounds of understanding unconscious communication between you and your patients.

Given the complex emotional terrain explored in our work as psychotherapists, it's natural that we sometimes get lost or overwhelmed. In these times, we may require outside guidance to break treatment impasses and deepen therapeutic alliances.

Dr. Achiro specializes in navigating the space between ourselves and our patients (sometimes called the “third”), where emotional experience overlaps in a manner that can be disorienting or distressing. However, in adequately understanding and harnessing the power of this “space between”, we can provide the very experience needed for profound growth to occur in our patients while simultaneously gaining a valuable sense of meaning in our work.

The articles below further explore the theme of mutual growth between therapist and patient and address the ethic of therapist self-care in facilitating that growth.

Note on Therapist Boundaries

Burnout and Renewal in Clinical Practice